Digital Development House

We lift ambitious companies to new digital heights

Strategy, technology and design are the cornerstones of the development of strong digital solutions that support and strengthen companies' development and competitiveness.

Creating digital leads for visionary companies

With experience from more than 200 projects, we know that knowledge, trust and commitment are crucial factors for the success of digital projects. We have the skills, business understanding and insight into current trends and tools, and know how solutions create value for companies and end users.


For DTU Management har vi udviklet en PSS configurator til sammensætning af produkt servicesystemer i den maritime industri.

Open Experience ApS

AffaldsApp er navnet på den løsning, som vi sammen har designet og udviklet. Samlet set har AffaldsApp opnået mere end 225.000 downloads.

Universal Apps

I et tæt samarbejde har vi udviklet en intelligent serviceplatform til fastholdelse af kunder inden for bilbranchen.

DTU Skylab

For DTU Skylab har vi udviklet et projektsstyringsværktøj for Skylab's startup-miljø, hvor forskellige teams kunne prioritere deres opgaver.

Software and Collaboration Thoughtfully

Together we create software solutions that are the backbone of tomorrow's sustainable business. We work structured and dutifully and put
pride in meeting appointments and deadlines. For your company, this means: Agreed deliveries, on time, within agreed budgets.

Ease of use

Good user experiences create user satisfaction and trust, which is crucial for successful implementation when new digital tools and systems are deployed.


Business software needs to be trusted, otherwise the value of the digital transformation erodes. Reliable digital solutions are robust, scalable and resilient.


IT security is not to be joked about, nor is it an opt-out option. Trust and IT security are inextricably linked and essential to the survival and external credibility of companies.


The world does not stand still. Digitalization happens in the small, in the large, often quickly and sometimes quite quietly. Digital transformation requires forward-thinking management and development.

Difference is something we create together

We focus on long and deep cooperation relationships, because coherence, development and value are best created when we can immerse ourselves in the organizations we 'co-create' with. With core values such as cooperation, openness and curiosity, we can make a difference together with our customers.

Postive development

Expand your business with new and complementary digital solutions and customer experiences so that your company stands strong in an ever-changing world. Seize the growth opportunities and reap the fruits of digitization.

Greater efficiency

Achieve better results and greater employee satisfaction through automation of manual workflows. Gain greater visibility across all parts of the business through stronger digital integration across the company.

Increased competitiveness

Stand out and get ahead of your competitors by leveraging technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, big data, sensor technologies and other technologies to create added value and increase productivity.